In this photo shoot I was highly inspired by the photographer Lissa Rivera’s as I like the way in which she made a males femininity to a strength rather than a weakness, whereas other people look at people wearing women’s clothing a negative attribute. I’m going to try and recreate some photographs similar to her work by asking a male model to wear feminine clothing as well as add my own idea of switching it to the other way round so that a female is wearing male clothing.

Later on once I have gathered the best selection of images I have i am going to use photo shop and desaturate some of the photographs. Once I have done that i’m going to use the blur tool to disguise the faces so it shadows and disguises there identity to a further extent. Furthermore i’m also going to leave several of the photos in colour and experiment with the saturation and contrast. After that I am going to use the eyedropper tool to get the exact colour of the models skin colour to then use the paintbrush to yet again disguise their identity.

Best Images:

I personally feel that these images worked best as they clearly show how clothes should not define your identity relating to the series called ‘beautiful boy’ by Lissa Rivera’s. Additionally I also believe that these photos may have worked better if I used natural lighting instead of artificial as it may of added depth to my work. However I do think that they still have a good reflection to identity and I like the way the black and white photos adds more contrast to the original shadows.

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