photo-shoot 1 – plan and contact sheet

Photo-Shoot Plan

Who – My female friend

What – Images of a girls body with underwear worn on the outside of clothing such as joggers and a jumper with pants and bra worn on top of them.

Why – This photo-shoot i took is to capture a female expressing her feelings about her body image to others. It also taken to show what society expect females should be wearing , how others (men or women) foresee what females look good in.

Where – In the schools photography studio.

How was the photo taken – A set up in the studio with two spot lights either side of my model , one slightly in front of the other and a main light 45 degrees from my model. The back drop was a white infinity backdrop. Camera settings were ….. 400 ISO…. 1/100 and 1/125 Exposure….. White balance – incandescent.

When – during school time (Thursday 21st January)

Contact Sheet

Editing Techniques Shown

To get rid of the logo that clearly stands out in the image , i used the spot healing brush tool, as well as turning the image into black and white in my final outcome. (Image , adjustments , black and white)

Most of my images had little editing such as changing the brightness and contrast levels. This gives a more effective glow to the highlights of the photograph.

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