bruce davidson

Bruce Landon Davidson is an American photographer. Born in 1933, he has been a member of the Magnum Photos agency since 1958. His photographs, notably those taken in Harlem, New York City, are widely known. He is known for photographing communities, groups, different identities. His work captures lifestyles that youth and adults are into. Weather it be the rough drink and drug life or happy, friendly and healthy lifestyle, his work views it all.

Mood – Board

Photography by Bruce Davidson.

These images above is what I will be focusing on mainly, which is what teen life is all about. How their mischievous self’s have a known lifestyle world wide. How society, the public and elders see these life’s to be reckless, exciting, crazy and fun.


This front page photograph on a magazine by Bruce is an image of a teen boy in the 1980s. He seems to be showing off his tattoo on his right arm. He has rolled up his sleeve to show off his tattoo which indicates that he is proud of it. Having tattoos will relate to his identity to himself and the public. Some might see it as unprofessional and stupid. The slight smirk expression on his face gives of the impression that he is fearless to others. This image is seen to be in the 1980’s as for the old fashioned cars in the background as well as the photo being in black and white with the rest of Bruce’s work. The portraits quality is good as for the head of the boy is in the centre of the page. The lighting of the image seems to flood from both sides of the photograph.

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