Who is Claude Cahun?
Claude Cahun is a woman who has reinvented herself through photography by posing for the lens with a keen sense of staging: dressed as a woman or a man, shaved or wicking, masked or disguised. The most radical pieces, such as his self-portraits made in 1928 or the sets such as “I’m in Training”, foreshadow contemporary performance. Each is a variation on the question of identity and gender, the body and its metamorphosis, individualism and the sense of exception

This definitely shows gender identity. We can see the great Claude cahun in full action. In this photo she has chosen to represent herself bald. Even her eyebrows are not showing. She is dressed in what appears to be a fairly masculine costume. The costume is black, quite large and a bit large for her. She has a white shirt underneath that matches her handkerchief . Her position is in my opinion mixed . We can see that her fist is tight as before a fight. And on her right side she puts her hand on her hip which gives a rather relaxed mood. Her face expresses a little questioning.
Although she dresses in a fairly masculine way you can see in her face that her upper lip has lipstick. What could represent femininity. This image is in black and white which creates a good contrast and a dramatic mood.
Claude Cahun Hassan Hajjaj Moroccan Pop Art
These photographers have a completely different style. The only similarity is that the models are placed in the middle but they don’t even have position. In the background of the photo of Hassan Hajjaj we can see patterns and colours while that of Claude cahun you can not really den something. The photo of Claude cahun is black and white which creates contrast while that of Hassan Hajjaj is in colour to make resort the beautiful Moroccan motifs.