From Latin Identities, identity is the set of traits typical of an individual or a community. These traits characterize the subject or the collective in front of others Identity is also a person’s self-awareness that makes them someone other than others. Although many of the traits that make up the identity are hereditary or innate, the environment exerts a great influence on the shaping of the specificity of each subject; for this reason expressions such as “I am looking for my own identity” are valid. In this sense, the idea of identity is associated with something of its own, an inner reality that can be hidden behind attitudes or behaviours that, in reality, have no relation to the person: “I felt that I had lost my identity; I started accepting jobs that I didn’t like and with which I had nothing in common. “The concept of sexual identity refers to each person’s vision of their own sexuality, which is decisive in relating to the rest of society. Notion links the biological dimension of the human being with the cultural aspect and freedom of choice.
The definition of “Identity” can be described in many different ways, such as the dictionary definition – “the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.” But also peoples own opinion on what identity is described, shown or photographed as. In my opinion , Identity is is a way in which someone truly shows their inner being is , as for us humans the way we take control in our personality, appearance and behavior around others such as family, friends and ourselves. A big part of the meaning of identity evolves around love and passion. Being passionate or loving something in your life can really shape someone into who they are and who they identify themselves to be. Capturing this in day to day life can be difficult as we live in a very stereotypical world. The love that people have in e.g. “a sport or an appearance” can be fround apron and hated which indicates seeing a person doing or being who they identify as to themselves can be hated by others.
The definition of “Place” is simple in terms of where/area or a position someone is in. The dictionary definition – “a particular position, point, or area in space; a location.” A place such as a country or city someone is found in can describe themselves as for where they are from. A place such as an environment can capture what a person does in their life. A setting or scene in which someone is seen in can describe what they might be facing in real life. Whether it be a difficult place or happy environment a person or group of people are in , a place can affect someones life very heavily. For example it can effect their mental-health, their living situation, their lifestyle etc…
This whole concept of a place or what a place is to someone can influence and be a part of a persons identity. Whether this is someones upbringing environment or where you live (a city , country side) It all links into a persons identity and who they are seen as.
“London Skater Style Images”
Identity and Place (Skateboarders) –
These young people are identified as skaters in the city of London. Their appearance is a massive part of their identity, such as for clothing. The baggy , casual look, known as “cool” aesthetic look. Their personal look … tattoos , messy hair , piercings. Their love and passion of skating contributes towards how they are seen to others which is their identity. The fitness and skills for the sport is something that needs to be practiced on over time.
This means the place of which they skate involves their identity. Skateboarding is fairly fround apron around London by much of the public. Therefore skateboarders can be found in usually underground areas, car parks, skate parks, quiet streets of London or any city where others wouldn’t normally visit. Theses areas seem to be either run down, abandoned or adapted to create a skate area.
Identity- the definition of identity is who you are, the way you think about yourself, the way you are viewed by the world and others. This may be presented by the characteristics that define you. An example of identity is a persons name.
Identity can be influenced by many different factors such as a place, belonging, gender identity or even loss of identity. For example if someone is from a certain place/country they might take photos of the place they grew up in to show what their surroundings were like which might have influenced their identity they have today.
In photography and cinematography, a multiple exposure is the superimposition of two or more exposures to create a single image, and double exposure has a corresponding meaning in respect of two images. The exposure values may or may not be identical to each other.
Some examples of double or multi exposure-Looking at Man Ray
Man Ray was an American visual artist who spent most of his career in Paris. He was a significant contributor to the Dada and Surrealist movements, although his ties to each were informal. He produced major works in a variety of media but considered himself a painter above all
Turning my headshots into double exposure images through photoshop-
I opened 3 to 4 images of my model that I took for the ‘headshot’ blog post and I copied and pasted them over on top of each other in the area that I wanted it to be in. Once I was happy with where all the images were placed I used the ‘overlay’and the ‘opacity’ option to alter how strong I wanted them to over lap each other and how visible each image was. I changed all my images to black and white for a much clearer effect as I didn’t want different colours to clash with another when I overlay them. Using black and white also creates a more sad and mysterious effect which I wanted as using double exposure makes images look abstract and changes the way you see objects or people. Overall I really like how my images turned out and how I edited them because it makes you analyse the image in more depth a lot is going on and makes you focus on different areas of the image.
This is the final image I have edited. Once I got comfortable with the overlaying tools and did a few edits prior to this one I knew how I wanted my final image to look like. I selected three of my favourite photos of my friend and turned them black and white as well as decreasing the brightness and increasing the contrast as I wanted all 3 images to be a lot more darker and have sharp contrasts between the white and black tones. By using the overlay option this makes the image look a lot more abstract and using 3 images instead of 1 shows you every side of the model which creates this idea of multiple personalities. Using double exposure is very useful when you try to show a model expressing loads of different emotions on their face and then creating and merging it all into one image however I didn’t do that as I wanted to create a simple image for my first try.
the collection of his photographs are owned by the Jersiaise Society, many guards arranged on the island were willing to pay half a guinea to have their portrait taken by him . His specialty was business cards . He was popular with officers of the Royal Militia Island of Jersey, at the time it was very popular to take portraits, He made portraits of their wives and children, for older and richer officers. In these photos we can notice the fashion at that time: long hair, whiskers and beards … Indeed the appearance was very similar.