environmental portraits photoshoot

Photoshoot Plan

Environmental Portraits inspired photoshoot

The photographs highlighted in red are what I believe to be my least successful images. This is because these are out of focus, the worker’s eyes are closed or the image doesn’t focus on the aspect I want to highlight.

My most successful images are highlighted in green. I think these are my most successful photographs because they represent the worker in their environment, therefore they represent the theme of environmental portraits the best. These images are taken at various angles in order to achieve different perspectives. Also, the use of the essential worker’s uniform notifies the audience the role the worker plays, which was the key signifier for this project.

Photoshop development

Original image
Edited image

To edit this image, I used the monochromatic filter and adjusted both curve levels and contrast in order to make the photograph more dramatic. The mask creates a focal point as it is a point of extreme contrast against the darker tones.

One thought on “environmental portraits photoshoot”

  1. Great…well done. This is clear and purposeful with a sound level of creativity too.
    As a target : aim to include relevant hyperlinks and embed useful clips / podcasts too to keep your blog interactive, visual and a hub for your knowledge and understanding!

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