Studio Portraits 1


Chiaroscuro lighting is a technique that has been used for centuries. It entails the use of a distinct contrast between light and dark.

The above image shows Chiaroscuro lighting techniques where I shot the subject in a dark place and used fluorescent lighting to highlight just parts of my subjects face. The lighting positioned above the subject casts long shadows in a downward fashion to accentuate the facial features of my subject.

Chiaroscuro was used in old renaissance paintings such as this painting from Caravaggio where strong contrast between light and dark can be seen both on the casted shadow on the subjects faces and the background being dark and certain facial features being highlighted.

Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da; Salome receives the Head of John the Baptist

Rembrandt Lighting

Rembrandt Lighting is a lighting technique where light illuminates one side of the face and there is a small triangle of light present on the subjects cheek.

Seen in the above image is my example of where I used Rembrandt Lighting. I used a fluorescent light source on the right side of the subject and casted enough of a shadow so that the nose shadow connects with the cheek shadow to create a small triangle of light on the subjects left cheek.

We use studio lighting to manipulate shadows, accentuate features of a subject, create a mood and manipulate the colour of the background.

Three point lighting is a lighting technique that uses three lights
– the key light, fill light and the back light.

Fill lights are used to fill in the shadows in the background

Key lights are used to light the subject.

Back lights are used to separate the subject from the background by creating a subtle rim of light around the subject.

Annie Leibovitz

Annie Leibovitz is an American photographer who is known for her alluring portraits of celebrities. She is good at captivating the intimacy of her subjects.

She uses a range of lighting. Such as these images which consist of a more low-key approach on the left and a more high key response on the right

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