my black and white images
i selected these 6 images and grouped them together as they are all of natural forms. All of these photographs are black and white and all have deep and different tones. I selected these photos because of the small details in each picture.
In the first image i specifically like the water droplets and the sharpness of photo, i particularly like the way the natural sunlight reflects off of the droplets.
The second photograph of the icy leaves was taken on a cold morning, i like the layer of ice that coats the leaf making it abnormal to any picture of a normal leaf. The layers of leaves crate contrast and depth and the further down the leaves you look, the deeper the tones of grey get. I like the contrast between the white ice and the dark shadows that were created by the natural sunlight.
What i like about the third picture is the different sizes of each pettle of the flower, each one has a different shadow or highlight created by the light from the sun.
My fourth image is different from all the others, it isn’t a close up of a certain object, it is a wide image with repetition of trees. I like the way the bright sunlight bursts through the gaps in the branches and reflects off the lens.
I like my fifth photo is a silhouette, the leaf strongly contrasts against the clouds in the sky and the viewers attention is drawn to the shape of the leaf.
The sixth image has a strong focus on the main part of the image, it immediately draws your attention to the branch and states it is the only and most important thing in the photograph. I especially like the detail of the branch and the contrast between black and whites in the unfocused background.
my colour images
I selected these 3 images as my final photographs and grouped them together as they are all filled with a range of bright and bold colours. The unusual shapes in these images catch the viewers eye compared to some of my other images.
My favourite image is the first picture from my surface and colour photo shoot, it is cool toned and i like the different shades of blues, purples and greens and how they blend and mix together, they are very vibrant and eye-catching . The second image is similar to the first, they are both photos of ice and both rich with colour.
What i like about the third image is the folds and creases in the paper, i used artificial lighting to make some creases darker than others, i reflected green and red lighting onto the paper so the cool tones of green contrast against the warm reds. The highlights are bold and sharp compared to the soft shadows created by folds in the paper, stopping some light hitting parts of the material.