Selecting and finalising- abstract

After taking hundreds of abstract photographs this half term, I will be selecting and finalising what I believe are my most successful images.

Above is my first grouped selection. The reason I grouped them together is that they are all have an ‘industrial’ sense to them.

Image 1 was part of my ‘REPETITION, PATTERN, RHYTHM REFLECTION AND SYMMETRY‘ project. This image specifically was a response to Ernst Haas who’s famous work is based on reflections on water with a high shutter speed (which is what I did for Image 1), and images taken with a low shutter speed, creating motion blur. This leads to Image 3- which was also a response to Ernst’s work. This was a low shutter speed image above the tunnel which created a long red line from the car the drove below me; this image took me a while to get right and I loved the outcome .

Image 2, being part of the same project, was a response to a different artist- Luigi Ghirri. Ghirri’s colour scheme is a lot more gentle (which is why this image is a little different to the other 2) however it fits in with the theme. I like this image because of its defined edges and delicate shadows.

Although this is a singular image rather than a group, its one of the most interesting abstract images I have taken. Unintentionally, in this photograph, I captured a face like shape (eye and nose). However that is not the only reason- I also like the pitch background and high contrast shadows and highlights. I also like the centre composition.

I created a gallery each for my images to see them from a different perspective. I really like the way my paper image looks on its own with a contrasting wall behind it- it really stands out to me.

Final Image

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