Alfred Stieglitz
Stieglitz was an American photographer in the early 20th century. modern art promoter who was instrumental over his fifty-year career in making photography an accepted art form. Stieglitz espoused his belief in the aesthetic potential of the medium and published work by photographers who shared his conviction.
Photo shoot plan
For my photo shoot, I will carry it over a few days, in small chunks during the day. this is so then vary my outcomes as the clouds would have moved and created new patterns to photograph. I will take these photos in different locations, again to help vary the patterns and shapes of the clouds. For this project, I can carry out my photo shoot independently as I will not be needing a model.

Final Edits
For these photos, i uploaded them into photo shop and experimented with the exposure levels, brightness levels and contrast, this was to enhance the ripples and the texture i saw in the clouds to bring them more to life.
Final Photo

When I first look at this photo, my eye is suddenly drawn to the 3 similarly shaped clouds following a diagonal line through the photo, this is due the composition of the photo. When taking the photo, I used a fast shutter speed in attempt to capture the texture and liveliness off the clouds, a fasted shutter speed meant that there was no time for movement from the clouds. However, a faster shutter speed also meant that there was less time for light to reach the lens, this made the unedited version darker. To change this, I uploaded the brightness and contrast to lighten up the photo. I also increased the exposure as the unedited photo was under exposed due the high shutter speed and low lighting.
I especially like the contrast between the orange clouds and the blue sky. In this photo, the two colours heavily compliment each other, making the photo more visually appealing.