Black light

Keld Helmer-Petersen

Keld Helmer-Petersen was a Danish photographer who became very popular and internationally recognized in the 1940’s and 1950’s. He was praised for his abstract and colour photographs and his career lasted about 70 years and he had a very strong interest in modern architecture. This included very industrial and structural areas. He contrasted the images to be very black and white which later in the project i will interpret myself.

KELD HELMER-PETERSEN (1920-2013) | Architectural Studies, 1960s | Christie's

Original Images

My Interpretation

The vivid and opposing contrast of the black and white in the images creates a very dark and shadow filled world. It seems very ghostly and empty. The way the images have very distinctive edges and empty spaces reminds me of threshold artwork.

Threshold Printables - Altered Art, Assemblage Mixed Media & Workshops
Threshold Printables - Altered Art, Assemblage Mixed Media & Workshops

Improved Interpretation – Originals

Improved Edit

In my first interpretation, the edited images look very similar and still a lot like the original photos. In my second interpretation of the black light project, I have taken the images in a room in shadow looking at a bright window. This means that the background is more white and the contrast between the background and the object is very visible. This makes both images look very different to my previous images as they look very art like and similar to threshold artwork. In the image above, I have used more of the threshold tool to pick out and show the individual particles in the bottle of the soap bottle. By making the particles visible in the image, I have accidentally created a black patchy surface in the top third of the image.

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