Ralph Eugene Meatyard
Ralph Eugene Meatyard was born in Normal, Illinois on May 15, 1925. He is an American photograph and optician. Ralph Eugene Meatyard purchased his first camera from the optometry shop where he worked in Lexington Kentucky in 1950; he soon became a very serious amateur photographer .He spent three months looking through an unfocused camera in order to learn to see No-Focus. Meatyard’s early photographs contain : blurred images, fabricated scenarios, masks and dolls, and a pervading dark humor.

Saul Leiter
Saul Leiter was born the December 3, 1923 in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania United States. He was an American artist .He moved to New York to become an artist. He took black and white pictures with a 35 mm Leica, In 1948, he started taking color photographs. He worked as a fashion photographer through the 1970s.


Their Ideas but in my own Style
I chose to inspire me from the two artists . Ralph Eugene Meatyard’s has kinda dark style wish I like (he puts scary maks…) . I enjoy Saul Leiter photographies because they are everyday photos and I really like the colors.
What I did
I wanted to represent a teenager in her daily life in a blury way ( watch a magazine or listen to music …) For the teenager I wanted her to look weird without it being very dramatic so I decided to hide her face with her hair kinda like in a mysterious way
My favourite images
Final images

I chose this two images because they represente what I wanted , what I was looking for , the ideas of the two artists and especially my style.