This project is inspired by the work of Vjeko Sager who created art by cutting lines into a piece of paper and raising the shapes up.

To create my own unique version of this I have decided to center my project entirely around paper. To do this I am going to create a sharp looking origami using plain paper and overlaying it on top of open books to add depth to the photos.

I crossed out the photo in red as it was far too overexposed which made the paper origami blend in too much with the background. The images with green around them are the photos i’d like to explore further.

Some of these images need cropping to remove the background

These images have been cropped to remove background distractions such as hands or the grey worktable underneath the book. I experimented with changing aspects such as contrast and exposure but I didn’t like the way it made the images look so decided to leave it unedited


Light- I used natural light to keep the image soft but could have used artificial light from my iphone’s torch as a spotlight to create a more dramatic effect with dark shadowing

Lines- the creased lines on the side of the origami lead viewers eyes directly to parts of the book. To create meaning I could have had it point to a word in the book

Repetition- There is not much repetition in the photos themselves, however, when displayed together like this there is the repetition of the paper itself which is more aesthetically appealing than just a singular image

Tone- The images are very bright with a lot of available light that doesn’t really contrast with the white of the books and paper origami

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