In the photo below I have scrunched up a piece of paper. I placed the paper on a black background to show contrast from dark to bright. I have also got a contrast between blue and red in the image and edited the colours to be more vibrant using an editing software.

In the photo below i have edited out the artificial light from the room we completed the photo shoot in. I also turned the mage into black and white and made the shadows and dark colours more dramatic and deeper.

I have edited the image below to have half colour and half black and white to represent the contrast between light and dark, black and white and day and night. I firstly took one image and made a copy of it, then i edited one to have colour and the other to be black and white. Then I used an editing software to split the image and piece it back together perfectly so that there was one side with each.

The image below is of a paper plane in front of a black background being lifted up by a string. I have converted the image to black and white and made the shadows and dark colours deeper and the lighter colours lighter. I then edited out the string that held the plane out from the image.

Formal Elements (Image Above)
The lightest part of the image is to the right (red) side. The background is black and there are some shadows in the contours of the paper. There are two clashing colours of blue to the left and red to the right.
There are random and scrunched up lines throughout the photo. There are also curvy and ripped edges.
The paper reminds me of a rock as it is random and has different surfaces.
The paper is very central in the photo and to either side of the image we can see the glow from the paper.
The texture and surface seems to be very random and contoured which creates some slight shadows. The surfaces in the image a varied and range from random and ripped to flat and straight.
The image ranges from very light and bright colours to dark and lifeless tones.
Competent post. It would benefit from a relevant photographic reference to support your work.