The formal elements research-

Many of the most famous and influential photographers are successful because they instinctively use these formal elements to create the best photograph they can whilst in front of the camera. This can be because the compose image with precision or that they recognize the perfect moment to press the shutter.

During one lesson, we took photos of paper in different lighting to show how the tone changes drastically and the darker tones become much more sharp. The photos were then uploaded on Photoshop and edited.

Analysing the elements for all my photos;

Line/ shape- because the photos are of paper there isn’t a lot of straight lines. Most are jagged and very unnatural. The shape of all the paper is very unsymmetrical and there’s not really a shape that can be seen in any photos apart from the one that’s a paper ball.

Light- there are some light parts and some very dark parts of the paper. This is due to the light being off which made the sharp sections very dark and there were shadows created. By editing the photographs further it made the edges more harsh.

Repetition– there’s not a lot of repeated lines or shapes as all the lines are very different and the creases are all over the paper.

Space- I photographed the paper quite close to make sure all the creases are visible but I took one where you could see the whole paper ball because I wanted the shadow to be shown underneath it. By taking the photos up close the viewer is getting to see all the details.

Texture– when the lights were turned off and I edited the photos further you could really see the texture of the creases better as the texture became more sharp and it looks more harsh when its darker in contrast to when it’s light as it looks more soft.

Value/ tone– The photos contain a mixture of all different tones. Some areas of the paper are mid-tones but there’s a lot of dark tones surrounding the edges as well as a lot of soft tones.

Composition- The images look unbalanced as there’s a lot of different lines and creases all over the place. The elements have been arranged it a random order as the creases were not planned.

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