photobook experiments

Overall, I think that my photobook has turned out successfully. this is because of the variety of photographs I captured during the seasons of the year. there is a mixture of different angles, colours and locations within the photobook. I was influenced by Robbie Lawrence as I looked in dept. at his work in my artists study. his work influenced me with my editing and photography style through my photobook. Elliot Porter influenced me to capture a variety of different and unusual photographs which I believe makes his work interesting and engaging. however, a drawback of my photobook is that I feel like I could of taken more photographs to make it longer to show the change in seasons in more dept. Nevertheless, in my opinion I feel that my photobook is engaging and eye catching for the viewers and has come out positively.
Title: seasonal Change
Theme: Landscapes/Weather/Seasons
Intentions: My intentions of my photobook is to explore the change of seasons throughout the year. This includes spring, autumn and summer. my photobook will have roughly 20 pages of landscapes and portraits on the environment edited in the same sort of style that the two photographers I have focused and looked in depth to which are Robbie Lawrence and Elliot Porter. i will be using plants to show the change in season due to the change of colour they go through before summer when everything is green and grown. I will be editing all my photographs on Lightroom to allow my photos to stand out and grab the attention of the audience.
Subjects: sunsets/ plants/ flowers/cliffs/ocean/fields
Techniques: I will be using my phone to take my photographs as it has different settings such as wide lens and more. i could also use a phone tripod to allow my photographs to be straight and in better focus to improve my photography.
Inspirations: my two inspirations for this photography task is Elliot porter and Robbie Lawrence, i will be creating similar outcomes to there’s as I think there work stands out and shows a lot of detail.Eliot Porter was an American photographer known for his richly colored images of the natural world. “Every photograph that is made whether by one who considers himself a professional, or by the tourist who points his snapshot camera and pushes a button, is a response to the exterior world,” the artist mused. “To something perceived outside himself by the person who operates the camera.” Born on December 6, 1901 in Winnetka, IL, his interest in nature was fostered by his family from a young age. He began photographing his family’s island property as a youth in Maine, before going on to study chemical engineering at Harvard University. Robbie Lawrence is acutely attentive to the way images tell a story. Working with a painterly softness and sensitivity to his subjects, the Scottish photographer deals in detail and nuance. From portraiture, travel and documentary to editorial work, he places the human experience front and centre to create thoughtful, abstract images, with an emphasis on narrative.