All posts by George W



Keld Helmer-petersen inspired photo

I chose this photo as it is the last photo i got before my family’s business went bankrupt. It symbolizes the busyness of the world as this photo was taken around 5am at the start of the drivers shift. However the black and white clean cut image gives a strong sense of peace.
This is a photo i took in america. I found the black and white added detail into the busy street and made it timeless.
this is a photograph from noirmount point in jersey. The simple design incorporates the size of the gun and shows the power this weapon holds.


Image result for keld helmer
Image result for keld helmer

Helmer-Petersen was a Danish photographer. He got famous by his creative color photographs, he also published several books of black and white images that explore dramatic contrasts of tone. In some, only images that are black and white are presented. All mid tones have been removed. He created and found these images, using both cameras and flat bed scanners to achieve the effects he was looking for. These books are beautifully designed and encourage us to consider the space around the image and the accompanying text as integral to the meaning of the work.

Photo shoot plan

What will I photo graph?

  • beach
  • sunsets
  • trees
  • dams

When am I conducting the shoot?

  • evenings
  • early morning
  • sunset

Where am I working?

  • green island
  • sand dunes
  • woods

How am I going to produce The images?

  • cannon 600d
  • photoshop

Ansel adams

Image result for ansel adams selfie
a smiling Ansel Adams

Ansel was born on the 20th February 1902, he died on the 22nd april 1984. He was an amazing photographer who based many photos on the american west. He helped create the group f/64. A group of photographers that preferred sharp focus and a range of tonal colors.