I believe that I accomplished what the EXAM brief stated quite successfully with the THEME being TRANSITION.
I’m planed to use the elements of water, earth and fire to display the transition of myself and how I have changed over time. However I didn’t use fire because I couldn’t find any images worth putting on display. I mainly had water in the background but in similar locations.
Unfortunately I couldn’t use any camping photographs because they were low resolution and they were meant to be my more earth based ideas. Although I adapted and used the farm photographs I have of me as a child on the horse and the dogs to represent the fauna side of nature.
Transition it’s a passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another, like ‘The Brown Sisters’ who showcased themselves yearly I think I might have succeeded to imitate Nixon, but add my own twist to the project as I have photos from 2003-2021 only missing a year from the age of 13-14.
The photographs show different style of outfits, I am the third child in the family, so some of the clothes I was wearing were hand me downs from my sisters for example the overalls I am wearing in one of the photos belongs to Nadia the sister I am most closest to, due to her living in jersey.
“Find Your Fun. These wild, wacky and wonderful clogs were born in 2002 by three innovators: Scott Seamans, Lyndon Hanson, and George Boedbecker Jr. Boedbecker brought them all together as he knew Hanson in high school and they both attended the University of Colorado.” I was born in 2003 a year when crocs were just starting to become popular, and were introduced into fashion in the 2000’s.
unfortunately, some images were lost due to the card not having enough storage, and my friend then deleting them on her phone after we switched from the camera to the phone due to the first problem.
Top tip: make sure your camera has battery and enough space on its memory card.
After selecting some of the images from my archive I then proceeded to experiment with the images I was not satisfied with.
Link to my photobook: Tribeinc.
I believe that I accomplished the vision I had for my photo book and got my point across with the images I selected for the book. I used some unusual images that you wouldn’t find in a normal skate photography book, some portraits and quotes from people and mixed it with some action shots you would expect from a skater.
I loved how the book turned out, I was unsure on what to but as the title but some graffiti that I found on the side of the skate park by the harbor helped me spontaneously figure it out. At first I didn’t realize it but Tribe INC. fit quite well as the tittle.
“A common definition for a tribe is a group of people that all have common ancestry, or a common ancestor, a common culture, and live in their own enclosed society. They choose to be close to the land and follow the rules and lifestyle of their ancestors.”
Transition: There are many ways to define Transition it’s a passage from one state, stage, or place to another.
I intend to showcase Transition by looking at my family album and using photographs from when I was a baby to now to show my own growth and my journey through life.
I took inspiration from Nicholas Nixon ‘The Brown Sisters’. With trying to find a photograph from each year of my life, but some years were missing. So I decided that I would selects a few of my favorite moments from the fast amount of images. I plan on taking images of me spending time with my friends and I having fun for the current images of me.
I’m originally from portugal so majority of the photos were taken there. Which my time was spent in two places ‘Figueira da Foz’ which is a sea side town and Seia/Serra da Estrela which is more country and mountainy. Infusing the elements of water and earth into my project and photographs.
We have all grown as people and matured slightly and are all going to different universities, I would love to showcase the journey of my life, and of others I hold dear to me, to the present version demonstrating the journey we have travelled together.