Final Prints

I chose these images as my final prints as I feel they represent my book and project well, with both aspects of nature and the human body being shown. I felt these were some of my strongest images and contrasted with each other well, as shown in my final layout below. The detail of each shadow and highlight in the images of the body create engaging and different views of the body embracing its natural aspects. Similarly, the intricacy of the detail in the plants create interesting images engaging with the viewer enabling them to look at every detail present.

This image depicts the beauty and detail within the natural world. The composition of the flower lined up down the middle with the black background creates a focal point that draws the attention of the viewer in. There is a bold contrast between the light shades of nature against the dark background creating an interesting image due to the detail and intricacy within. I have created depth using black and white which adds to the intense tone and feeling of the image.

This image creates a sense of importance as it demonstrates an. individual holding there chest. This often symbolises distress which can be relevant to not accepting our own beauty and features. The contrast between the light skin and highlights on the chest create a nice contrast with the shadows from the fingers and the dark nails.

This image captures the beauty of nature in the most common form. Flowers are often referred to as being typically pretty for their vibrant colours and unique shape. I have tried to focus on the unspoken beauty of this form of nature. I have done this by composing the flower the centre of the image creating a strong focal point with the dark background making it really stand out. The contrast of the black and white photo enables attention the drawn to the detail within the petals, showing off the intricacy of beauty.

This image draws attention to the strain in the neck. The black and white creates a deep contrast in tones around the skin creating more detail and intrigue. It encourages individuals to love their bodies in all their forms.

The composition of this image create a clear and centred focal point down the middle. The use of black and white highlights the detail in the plant, embracing its natural features making it unique and beautiful. The meaning behind this is to show that every little feature is a symbol of beauty and it should all be embraced with love.

This image captures the natural beauty of the body. The use of black and white enables the fine details of the hair and skin follicles to stand out. The white background contrasts with the the dark tones in the legs and the shadows create a sense of depth making a more intriguing image.


Left A2, top right A3, four bottom right A5

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