Reviewing and Reflecting

1.What has inspired me from the personal investigation. (Themes, tasks, photos, film, documentary, tableaux)

During the personal investigation of the theme Love and Rebellion, there were many areas which I enjoyed and inspired me. I really enjoyed creating the zine and it inspired me to look more into my own family specifically my Dad and my Grandad. I have really enjoyed the documentary side of the project and I have been inspired to do more documentary photography and start my own personal projects. I also really enjoyed making the short film. It forced me to get out and do things that were out of my comfort zone. I developed in my skills as I was forced to act quick to get a capture a certain moments. I was pleased with the results and our group worked well.

2. Examples of work from the project

The zine:

The 90 second film:

3. Mind Map / Moodboard of Love & Rebellion with new inspirations

4. Initial Statement of Intent

I plan to investigate the motoring heratige of my family. In particular my Dad, Uncle and Aunts and both my Grandfathers. I plan to make a photo book looking at the 3 generations of my family on both sides of the family and their involvement with different forms of motoring, whether it is mechanics, racing, world record or just hobbies. During this project I hope to learn more about my Grandfathers, who they were and the legacy they left behind. Both of my Grandad’s died, 1 of which I do not remember, and I therefore want learn more about them. I am going to investigate them my speaking to my Nan and Gran about their husbands and the fascination they had with engines, cars and bikes.

5. Possible Shoots

I already have a plan for a couple shoots to do with this project. I am going to use the photos I have already taken of my dad in the garage as part of ‘his’ section of the book, but them I am going expand and explore as I take more photos to develop the project further.


WHAT: I want to show the contrast in my Dad’s life between his love for motoring and his ‘office’ jobs. I am going to document him working at his office and preaching as he is one of the lead pastors at Freedom Church. I plan to do a lot of environmental portraits accompanied by some candid images.

WHERE/WHEN: In his office in freedom centre, on the roof and the building site that is freedom centre (the old odeon cinema). I will probably do this when he has finished work around 5 o’clock but this doesn’t matter hugely as I will be shooting inside with artificial lights apart from the shots from the roof or outside the centre.

EQUIPMENT/HOW: I plan to use my Sony A73 with my sigma 35mm 1.4 as it has a wide aperture so is good in low light as I will be shooting inside. By using an aperture of around f2 – f2.8 I can get. some background blur which helps to isolate the subject. I probably won’t use a tripod as I don’t like using them and I have quite steady hands, I am also more free to move without one and it will save time. For lighting, I will try and use natural light where possible for example window lighting, however I might resort to using my Godox Sl60w constant LED light with a softbox if the natural lighting is not sufficient and I can create whatever kind of look I want.

PAPA (Dad’s dad)

WHAT: As my Dad’s dad has past away I am limited to what I can capture. Therefore I am going to ask my gran for old pictures of my papa, especially ones with cars or motorbikes and digitise them. There is also some footage of a car breaking a speed world record that my grandad worked on which I could take screen grabs of and layout in a sequence.

WHERE/WHEN: In the next few weeks I am going t


PAPA (Mum’s Dad)

WHAT: Take some images of his garage where he kept his mini, the trophies and stuff he won. I want to take his mini out to a spot along St Ouens bay to get some nice images of it at sunset and also some interior shots.

WHERE/WHEN: I want to take these photos down at St Ouens bay or around L’Etack/Gronez Cliff Path area as this is where the sun sets. This will provide nice soft lighting for the shots of the exterior and interior of the car.

EQUIPMENT: I may use a tripod for this as it will be getting darker and darker so I can stable the shot so I can have longere. shutter and reduce the ISO. I will most likely use my 35mm f1.4 with my Sony A73 for the wide shots of the car and either my 50mm f1.8 or 70-200 f2.8 for the interior shots of the car. I will probably shoot at the widest aperture possible as this will let in lots of light and make the subjects pop especially the interior shots.

Aunty Tammy + Uncle John

CONTEXT: Both My Mums sister and her husband are into motorsport specifically motorbike racing. Every Year they go the Isle of Man to watch the famous TT which is an incredibly dangerous road race where track racers from around the world come to prove themselves. They also enjoy watching other bike racing, they regularly watch me racing motocross and when away on holiday they try and go to a motorbike race of any type. Also their youngest son Ikey who is 3 years old has shown an extreme interest in motorbikes. For his birthday he got a little electric bike with all the motocross kit. He also often comes to watch me race and isn’t fazed by the loud bikes which is usually rare for a child his age.

WHAT: Therefore for this shoot I want to get some environmental portraits of my Aunty, Uncle and kids wearing their TT merchandise. I also want to capture them watching motosport on TV.


One thought on “Reviewing and Reflecting”

  1. Good blog posts, but make sure you publish some on Artists References as per our discussion, Julian Germain, Larry Sultan – see the research and work by previous student Max Le Feuvre

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