Film Manifesto / Research

What Is a Manifesto?

A Manifesto, by definition is a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer.

Theme of My Manifesto: Rebellion

Subjects: Identity, Gender, Media, Stereotyping, False Representations, Discrimination

Visuals: A soft, sad atmosphere. I could represent the mood of the film with the lighting – for example, dull, grey lighting symbolises sadness within the film. In black and white so that it gives the film a historical feel.

Sounds: Potentially a voice over by me, rhythmic and metaphorical, accompanied by instrumental music. If i am to do a voice over I’ll have to write something expressing my feelings, potentially a poem or a stream of consciousness.

Title: Imperfect, I’m Okay With It, Know My Worth, More Than This, Dysmorphia



Miles Carter – Feeling Anxious Lyrics | Genius Lyrics
To the lover I have yet to find - YouTube
Miles Carter | English | Metal Magazine

Miles Carter is a gifted poet, composer and orator who has gained a huge following from his short films that can be inspirational, uplifting or even depressing. His videos contain many short clips, unsure whether the filming is down to him, followed by the sound of his soothing, rhythmic voice and pleasant music in the background. His short films have a vintage aesthetic with some videos looking as though they have been filmed on an old camera. However some are more modern looking. Most of his clips contain beautiful views and scenes, couples, and sometimes himself.

I like this artist as this is how I would like my visuals to be. Lots of short clips and a depressing, calm atmosphere. He also uses a voice over which I also really like. Also, I like the idea of filming himself. Shannon O’Donnell also uses the technique of filming herself which is something that I most likely will be doing.

Overall Concept:

Women more so, are stereotyped, falsely represented and put into categories purely based on their body types. Often, I have experienced negative comments thrown at me about my weight and how my body looks, I’ve realised that this has an enormous effect on my self confidence, my anxiety and in general the way I view myself, questioning my identity, and wanting my body to look like something else.

We have a specific representation and ‘type’ of how, as women, our bodies ‘should’ look. This is mainly down to the media. Many applications including, Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok and especially the Porn Industry have major impacts on how we view women. These apps often have hugely influencing models and influencers who appear to have the ‘ideal body type’. These models often tend to have had plastic surgery and other body modifications in order to achieve their looks, giving young teens unrealistic expectations of their bodies. Body shaming also exists, as I mentioned before I have had numerous comments thrown at me purely because of my body type and it can have numerous effects on a person. I almost felt as though people don’t like me for men, they don’t care about my brain or my personality, they care only if I have an appealing body type or not. This therefore binds with different subjects such as Identity, Stereotyping, Gender and Representations. These subjects tend to fall into Identity Politics and Culture Wars.

I would like my film to expose the effects that these false representations have on young girls, but have an uplifting feel towards it to the end to show that everyone is unique and that everyone is different, therefore there is no perfect body type. Revealing my own emotions, thoughts and feelings in the film will help to have a more personal vibe to the film, gaining a relationship with the viewers.

Mood Board:

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