Protests + Movements


The suffragette movement started began in the early 20th century around 1903 under the banner “Votes for Woman’. Unlike the similar movement of ‘Suffragists’ suffragettes believed in ‘Deeds not Words’. They had had enough and found that no one was listening so took protesting to extreme measures. This included being violent, putting bombs in letter boxes, chaining themselves to railings, smashing windows, getting arrested and going on hunger strikes in prisons. However, during the protests many suffragettes were attacked and sexually assaulted by policemen and other men.

Stories of Forgotten Suffragettes Come Alive in New Exhibition | Smart News  | Smithsonian Magazine



Dada or Dadaism was an art movement from the culture of avant-garde in europe. Avant-garde was a group of people and works from around the 20th century who were revolutionary and experimental with art forms.

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