photoshoot #2 selection-

I used the same process as with my last set of images, starting off importing them all into Lightroom and using that to sort through them.

After that I flagged the ones I wanted to keep, remembering that I only had a limited amount of images left in my zine, so I was a lot more critical. I started off with roughly 140 images, so a lot less than my first shoot, and after flagging I ended up with 12.

I then used the colour label feature and gave the remaining images either red, yellow, or green. After adding a filter so I could only see the yellow and green ones, I went through them again and re-evaluated to see if I had mislabeled any.

At this stage, I had 4 final images that I liked and believed would work well after editing in the same way as the others, and was ready to move into the developing stage in Lightroom.

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