
Caves often form by the weathering of rock and often extend deep underground. The word cave can also refer to much smaller openings such as sea caves, rock shelters, and grottos, though strictly speaking a cave is exogene, meaning it is deeper than its opening is wide, and a rock shelter is endogene.

Caves can range widely in size, and are formed by various geological processes. These may involve a combination of chemical processes, erosion by water, tectonic forces, microorganisms, pressure, and atmospheric influences.

When I imagine caves for myself, they don’t usually astonish me with color. Of course, caves that hold darkness hold the unconscious. My fears lie in those shadows, as do the very gifts I need to stay conscious to larger patterns and bigger purposes than my human self tends to notice on a quotidian basis. So a cave in a dream is an invitation to explore my shadow self, to look deeply into the parts of myself that I like to believe it would be easier to ignore. In truth, if I ignore them too long, they will get my attention, through feathers or bricks.caves for me meant the fear of being trapped and crushed by falling rocks, as well as the fascination with total darkness and the amazing rock formations. A very mixed set of emotions.

Depression is a natural condition, they write. It is natural formation. Better yet it is a natural resource. 

Every cave is unique. The forces in nature (erosion, stress, upheaval) that form caves have emotional equivalence. Trying to figure out how a cave was formed doesn’t change the cave. The ENTRANCE to a cave also serves as the EXIT.

Caves are better for temporary shelter rather than long-term residence.Caves can be fascinating, comforting and starkly beautiful but at the same time , very dangerous. Going too deep and getting lost in a cave may require help to return to the EXIT/ENTRANCE

Caves are useful for storage. Unwanted unneeded, painful and harmful memories can be consigned or stored in deep pits. Treasured memories and precious thoughts are best stored near the ENTRANCE/EXIT.

Attempting to fill in a cave creates a depression somewhere else. Remember the adage: In a cave or any dark place it is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

Of becoming obsessed with the idea of suicide as the one certain means of escape and this is so terrifying.

Of a fearful terror borne of complete helplessness that then fuels anger or a desperate isolation borne of shame and then indeed the full gamut of overwhelming and drowning emotions.

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