photoshoot #1 editing-

I tested keeping these images in colour, as there was some lovely lighting in a couple of them that I was torn about keeping or not, but eventually I chose to edit them all in black and white, as per my original plan. I used Lightroom’s “Auto” button to see how the program would automatically edit them, but after that I did change a couple things myself, such as the black and white mix of certain individual colours in some images, to make sure that I got a good tonal range and the same effect in black and white as there was when the images were in colour. I had practically the exact same process for every image, because although they were taken in different places and with different types of natural light, they were mostly very similar in terms of light and exposure.

Below is a side-by-side of every one of my final images form this shoot, before and after I edited them. I was attempting to keep the same sort of casual, spur-of-the-moment sense that they had when I first took them, so the changes aren’t wildly drastic.

Overall, I am pleased with the way these turned out, and although I am planning on editing them in Photoshop later in a more artistic and creative style, I do like the way they look now and how effective Lightroom was as a piece of editing software. Below are all of the images in their finished state:

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