Candid: This photo graphical technique is when the photographer takes images without the people who are being photographed knowing about it. Paparazzi is an invasive example of candid photography as it generally shows celebrities at their worst. However; when done correctly, candid photography can paint an ideas of what society looks like in that particular region, this can also show many things that happen in the public eye that may be otherwise ignored and “brushed under the carpet”.

Anthony Kurtz also does Candid photos, here he takes pictures of people as they are going about their lives, this is why I decided to follow his work again as I thought I could show the contrast between his two styles

Technical: Here the lighting is natural which is shown as the source of light is coming from outside the window, here it looks like the the picture was taken in the morning due to the almost white light that the sun is producing. Here the camera is placed at around chest level as about half of his body is shown and you can see some of his tools making his image look more informal. The image has a low ISO showing the detail in the image and everything that is going on in the image. Here Kurtz approached a warm tone approach to this informal image which works well with the different tones of the woods and the red objects in his photograph.

Visual: Here there is clear texture between the the different types of wood shown, I also like the texture added to the workers hands as it brings attention to what he is doing. I think that the photo is well exposed as it creates a dramatic effect onto the image which makes it more striking. Here the mans tools are randomly placed making the photo more realistic and informal. Kurtz decided to maintain the tools in the foreground which I think works well due to the depth that it creates as in this example the main focus/focal point is on the man in the mid ground of the image; furthermore this works as there are tools in the foreground, midground and background, which makes the man stand out visually. This makes for next to none negative space due to the semantic field of the tools.

Contextual / Conceptual: I think there is a very strong family theme to this picture as it reminds me of my own family members that use to use tools similar to these in order to build/fix things. I can also see the passion in this mans face for what he does, as he is so focused and almost in his world, which allows the audience to think as if the photographer took this image by chance making it again seem candid and informal.

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