Altered Landscape photography

Altered Landscape Research –

First being popularized via The Nevada Museum of Art in the early 1990’s which had a section directly focused on ‘new’, contemporary landscape photography. Nearly two decades later, the Altered Landscape collection which the museum holds is over 600; it’s largest landscape photography ‘sub-genre’.

During it’s early days, the ‘Altered Landscape’ genre was heavily focused on natural landscapes and the beauty it presents with photographers such as Ansel Adams and Edward Weston leading the ideas and type of connotations landscapes/ their images conveyed. However, during the mid 70’s the Altered Landscape style of photography changed dramatically due to it’s newer influencers such as Bernd and Hilla Becher. This new style of photography focused on landscapes and the effect man-made structures, such as caravans, had on it’s appearance and meaning.

In some ways, modern day Altered Landscape photography acts as a visual source of history combining both old – landscapes and new – houses, buildings, gas stations; conveying quite an emotional feeling towards viewers, forcing them to ask questions like – ‘Is this for the best?’ or ‘Are we ruining our planet?’.

From my research on some artists and altered landscape images, I would say that by under-exposing the images the actual landscapes are even more highlighted due to the emphasis on things such as texture and shadows. This also allows the landscape to be the main focus of the image as no ‘blinding’ light or colours ‘distract’ the viewer from the actual image.

Artist Research –

Photoshoots –

Stephanie Jung Inspired –

 Fong Qi Wei Inspired –

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