Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset
Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset
Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

With these photos, I used the VSCO app and altered them in many various ways. For example, in all three, I edited them using a filter named ‘HB2’ which helped bring out the blue tones within the image, giving them a cooler look. Furthermore, I cropped the photos in order to best fit around the focused parts of the image, and then I centered them and adjusted them in order to create a more symmetrical and composed image composition. To add to that, I then increased contrast to add to the sharpness within the photo, then I lowered exposure to give it a darker, greater contrast look as well as increasing the depth and intensity of the shadows to help make the rocks stand out more with their lighter yellow/pink tones.

Overall, I’m very pleased with my final outcomes as not only do they look of a sufficient resolution, but also have symmetrical compositions that in my opinion are pleasing to look at. In addition, the photos link in well with some of the artists I have researched, displaying careful thought and planning of processes involved in order to achieve capturing these photographs.

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