In my film, I didn’t show myself at all, except for a shadow, when I mentioned, in the audio, that I myself am my own limitation. I think this worked out really well, because when starting my project I didn’t intentionally go in and want it to all be about me. I wanted to explore and document what limited and made others feel free. However I did want to include myself because it adds a personal and emotional touch to the film. When thinking of shots to take for the film, I thought of sunrises, sunsets, water, waves, horses, and all things that made me free. I really feel I have achieved this and throughout the whole film I feel a sense calmness and tranquility. I felt it was necessary for me to add captions to various parts of the film. I did this in 3 places. I feel these captions have allowed for 3 things to be highlighted, ‘what makes you feel free?’ , ‘what limits you?’ and my own personal touch of the film. I wanted the above to be on a black background because like I said before I personally didn’t want to be featured in the film, but I feel the black background represents me, in a way. I included some snippets of the interviews I had with people. For the interviews I just wanted to have their head and upper body in the shot. I feel the interview sections look quite good and work nicely to bring that documentary feel to the film.
For the audio I layered up lots of different things to have quite a chaotic and busy audio. I feel this has worked really well and adds to the film as a whole.