Here are my photos, taken with the theme of transition in mind. Inspired by Pablo Iglesias Maurer’s work on transition of buildings and places through time, I used the Jerripedia’s archive of “coloured 1950s photos” to compare and contrast the changes through time, highlighting the transition in each of my edited photographs. The photos include locations such as St Helier harbour, most notably the old harbour, as well as Greve De Lecq, Bouley Bay, L’Etacq and Rozel. These are well renowned Jersey beauty spots, some of which haven’t changed what so ever in the past 70 years, as evident in some of the photos. This appeals to conservationist and conservative views, which dislike change and aim to preserve history, and how things used to be. The only real transition we can see with ease, is in the first two photographs of St Helier’s old harbour, where the development of high-income residential property and the construction of many large office buildings can easily be observed.