For my images, i intend to add a time stamp as they are mostly archived images, but also edit the colours too seem more ‘glowy’ and contrasted. I am deciding between editing all images on photoshop and adding my own timestamp, or using an application (HUJI) that will add a timestamp and change the contrast itself, and correct it after.
Original Huji edit Photoshop edit Huji edited
I think i will add the huji effect to all of my images and then edit them further in photoshop to colour correct it and bring it back closer to the original, but with the timestamp. However, for the images i’m using that are disposables, i may have to edit the originals in photoshop as i wish to keep their natural colour, and then use a timestamp as text under the image, as i will have to find the date they were originally taken, not developed.
Disposable examples:
original huji edited