I went on a walk from Beauport to St Brelade’s and around the surrounding area, just after midday, in an attempt to take more landscape photos, as opposed to close-ups like I did in the previous shoot. I finished with about 80 photographs, which is less than I would have normally but I tried to focus on the images fitting in with the rest of my idea. Because of the weather and the time of day, these images will probably be used in the “summer” part of the book, nearer to the end.

I went through and selected the pictures I immediately liked, leaving me with about sixteen. I chose them on the basis of whether they were technically good images, and also if i liked them personally, but I didn’t analyse them in too much detail.

Next, i cut down on any duplicate images by using the “compare view” function in Lightroom, and thinking of how I would have to edit each image in the future. Like this I managed to end up with about ten images, shown below, to make whatever edits necessary and move to the group of final images from the other shoot(s).

Overall I liked this shoot, I think it resulted in a fair amount of good quality images and I think it was successful as a whole.