MARINKA MASSÉUS is a photographer who has investigated and photographed people with Downs Syndrome. Her project, Chosen [Not] To Be, captures how these people feel limited and separated from society. The images almost show how they can be strong and the centre of attention when most of the time are pushed aside.

To me this image is interesting, it doesn’t clearly link to those with Downs Syndrome, but if you think more closely, it does hide something, with the yellow spot. The way it relates to those with Downs Syndrome is how they are hidden away and not seen in the public eye as important. What is the significance of the spot? What is under the spot? There are many leading lines that draw the eye into the image, to the spot, increasing its importance.
In my project, during the experimenting/editing stage I am going to place elements that hide things. I am also going to experiment with drawing on print outs of the portraits I take, to add personal aspects to them, by using their limitations and freedoms to them. These print outs will then be rephotographed and placed in my book.