Photo book Evaluation

We rely on nature to survive, it is a cycle that underpins society. Our existence is dependent on nature, the ocean, soils, forests and rivers. They all provide us with the food we eat and the air we breathe in order to live. Not only that but nature is said to reduce anger, fear, and stress and increases pleasant feelings in humans. Nature contributes to both our emotional and physical wellbeing. My aim is to show this emotional connection through images in my photo book. The process of appreciating the natural beauty of the earth and its features enables us to love ourselves as human. I have compared aspects of the body with pieces of nature, demonstrating the similarities of the two and providing the concept of loving ourselves and embracing the differences we all have. If I was to recreate this book and improve it, I would take into consideration the double page spreads and loosing the detail in the middle of the page. As present in the fifth double page spread, the detail of the belly button is along the centre of the pages. This is lost in the final book where the pages meet. Apart from this, I am pleased with the final outcome of my photo book. I feel it captures nature and the human body in an abstract way creating a meaningful sequence of images entailing depth and detail, engaging the viewer.

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