Personal Study Plan

TITLE: Absence

THEME: Spirits/Souls/Angel/Devil (Freedoms and Limitations)

INTENTIONS: To explore the freedoms and limitations of the mind within reality and within our own abstract thoughts. In my film I would like to venture to the captivity of our own minds and the limitations it causes and then explore the freedoms of having no commitments or responsibilities in another reality. I want to express the freedom a lost soul may have compared to a living soul and I will show this by showing the same person in two different worlds; one in the real world with commitments and limitations of what we are able to do and another world where the person has the freedom to do what they want. Within the spiritual world I’m going to use a red ball to show guidance to represent that freedom can also have its down sides of feeling lost or not knowing what to do with the space around you. The ball will lead the ghost to where their human self would like to go if they ever got the chance and then they’ll be able to enjoy and see the beauty in the different parts of the world around them that they wouldn’t get to do if they had the chains of responsibility and guilt holding them down. The girl in the real world is somewhat meant to represent the devil as the limitations and the girl in the spiritual world where she has the freedom to go wherever she wants is meant to represent the angel. So there is a good and a bad part to the story. At the end the devil and the angel both realise that in life there are freedoms but as well limitations.

SUBJECTS: Spirits/Souls/Angel/Devil/Good/Bad/Freedoms/Limitations/Dark/Light/Evil/Hope/Chance/Guidance/Surrealism/Adventure/Caged/Trapped/Nightmares/Dreams

TECHNIQUES: Tripods, personal perspective, specific editing to put my point across, transitioning from different scenes by using objects and shades which are similar to each other. Using Premier to add specific cuts to the individual clips.

VISUALS: A girl wearing a black dress to represent many things but mainly limitations and transition into another scene where the same girl is wearing a white dress to mainly represent freedom. The girl in the black dress will just show scenes of having a dull life and have a lack of enjoyment shown but longing for adventure and to see the more exciting parts of life e.g. the beach, nature, traffic lights and the urban parts of the island etc. The ending will show the girl in the white dress going into the room of the girl in the black dress and opening a book of sketches of the places the girl is black wanted to top to and then both of them merging into thew same person to represent the good parts of life and the bad parts and then to add a horror factor to the film I’ll make the eyes of the girl change colour and the candle going out that was lit at the start.

SOUND: I’ll add in my own sounds of things like: waves, trees in the wind, the lighter turning on etc to make sure the sound is clear. I will also add music in the background which I haven’t decided yet but I will make the music quieter and louder in certain places, where appropriate to do so. I will also overlap sounds to make the more dramatic affects and add sounds like birds to represent tranquility.

INSPIRATION: I have similar inspirations to the film I did previously but the other inspirations are: Duane Michals first made significant, creative strides in the field of photography during the 1960s. In an era heavily influenced by photojournalism, Michals manipulated the medium to communicate narratives. The sequences, for which he is widely known, appropriate cinema’s frame-by-frame format. Michals has also incorporated text as a key component in his works. I like the way that Michals presents his work as dark and ominous as that’s the way I like to go about presenting my work also. I like the theme of black white where shadow and light appears to be a lot more dramatic than it would be if the photograph or film was in colour. Whether the spirit/ghost is visible in the photo or if there is a feeling of the supernatural lurking around the photo, I think Michals work represents the unsettling feeling of uncertainty. His work links to my theme of Freedoms and Limitations as there’s the idea that the angel/devil near the bed had the freedom to do what they want without consequences but as had the limitations of not having a normal human life. My other inspiration is Michael Chaves, specially the music video he helped Billie Eilish make called Bury A Friend and the movie The Conjuring 3. When looking at Bury A Friend, from the album “When We All Fall Asleep Where Do We Go?”, I think the concept of nightmares and horror links in nicely as well as the title pf the song quite literally linking to death; intertwining with graves, spirits and ghosts. My idea of making peoples spirits/alter self come to life makes me think of the demonic character Billie Eilish is trying to portray. I was thinking of having two main people in the film like the music video where the man on the bed is unconscious but talking whilst dreaming in this dimly lit building and Billie Eilish being the monster in his bedroom watching him, under his bed and lurking around the hallways of his building. I also think the lyrics in the song itself have a lot of meaning and would help me to move forward with the theme of Freedoms and Limitations. The freedom to express your darkest thoughts and make them come to life but the limitations of how far you can express what you’re thinking without making your ideas too dark as well as the limitations of not having full control of what your thinking or feeling.

  • dreary scenery (dulling filter)
  • kicking a rock which then transitions into a red ball which is used a lot to change the scene further on in the film
  • other actions being shown such as the girl in the black dress drawing in her book of places she wishes to go to but the viewer doesn’t see the person’s face and only seeing their actions and their silhouette
  • entrance to the bunker that the girl is in shows scenery of a graveyard
  • she walks through and looks behind her and the bunker has vanished
  • Ghost-like figure of a girl in a white dress standing in a graveyard
  • Goes on a journey trying to look the reason for their freedoms and lack of limitations
  • On the way they see the beauty in the world around them – rain, darkness, moonlight/sunlight, sand, streetlights etc whilst walking in a direction that is directed by a feather/ball/something that was in the bedroom/bunker at the beginning
  • ends up getting to the beginning scenery although the red ball is trying to direct the girl elsewhere
  • Sees the sketch book that the girl in the black dress was drawing in and sees the places she visited and herself in the drawing
  • stands near the girl in the black dress
  • the girl in the black dress looks back at the girl and then they both see that they’re the same person
  • flashbacks to the different scenery and sees the girl in the black dress in the background of all of the shots that the viewer may not have seen before giving the audience a shock factor.
  • (intense music starts playing with a long pause with the camera zooming in), they look up and look possessed

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