SPECIFICATION and statement of intent- limitations/freedom

three words – limitations and freedoms

one sentence – what limits you, what makes you feel alive ?

one paragraph – we are all living. but are we just surviving? are we just holding on? everyone has certain things that restrict them. and everyone has certain things that set them free and forces them to forget about their limitations.

images – portraits, landscapes, found objects, self portraits, pieces of text, abstract images

video footage – interviews, times that make me/other people feel free, times that make me/other people feel limited

audio – spoken words, audio of interviews with people, abstract sounds, ambient sounds, songs that i like

statement of intent – by mixing lots of different mediums I am going to make a film that will allow me explore how myself and other people feel free and limited within aspects of their life. I feel this project is going to be very interesting as it will mean I can start to understand how people feel about their lives, and how they truly feel about some aspects that restrict them. This project will allow me to continue to take documentary photographs, and abstract images too, as I really enjoy this. during the making of this project i am going to keep a diary/journal and will add them into my film, either in the audio, or in writing in the film (similar to my last project – 5:15). the way i am going to source the images for this project is going out on little walks in order to gain different images to explore how i, myself, feel limited and free within my life. while going out on these little walks i will take small snippets of footage of things that relate to these aspects, and record audio snippets to add to my audio in order to build/layer it up. to gain the images/footage of how other people feel limited and free, i am going to interview them and then take additional images/footage relating/linking to what they feel limits them and feel free.

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