When given the choice between the theme of “transition” or “freedom/limitations”, I chose “transition” as I felt it was the best way to express different styles and concepts of photography than the previous project, which overlapped the themes of “freedom/limitations”, so as to develop my skills and knowledge further.

I decided to create a photobook for this final exam project as my previous project was a film and I felt it would be better to broaden my field and attempt another method of presenting a photographic series. Additionally, the medium of still images presents different challenges and advantages than moving images, which I’m going to pursue.
- use of opposing imagery to reflect transition from winter -> summer/ death -> life
- following the process of growth from seed to grown plant
- seasonal changes in the environment, i.e. weather
- close-ups of signs of human aging and youth
- juxtapositions: natural images with human ones, similar close-ups and patterns, opposing landscapes