photobook design choices

After seeing some graffiti photos I took these words appeared in one of the photos and was suggested for it to be the title of the book. I thought it would be clever as the skate community in jersey is quite small making Tribe inc an appropriate tittle as tribes nowadays are quite small but tight community. Everyone Knows Someone Who Everyone type of thing.
SHORT QUOTE one of my friends said in a high pitch voice while trying to imitate me. I really liked this layout HOWEVER i decided to change around the layout of the bottom quote and my name because i felt it didn’t really fit well.
This layout option it a more classical approach; full bleed page with a white blank page next to it. I liked this layout look for its simplicity, as some images can get quite busy with the action going on.
This layout option is slightly more contemporary; with a full bleed page next to a white page with a smaller photograph next to it. I also liked this layout look for its simplicity, as images don’t always need a blank page sometimes a n image is needed to give the effect it needs. I felt that this also linked in with a more contemporary/post-modernism vibe.
I felt like a double page spread full bleed pages would add some effect to the photobook. This layout is one of my favourites and is definitely going to be repeated through out. Although it would have to be followed by a blank page or a page with a good amount of white, so it doesn’t over crowd the book and become too intense or loose meaning.
I felt like a double page spread full bleed pages would of made the photobook too busy and its important to have bits of white showing through so this layout is great and also quite modern with an image overlapping it but not taking away any attention. the quote on top of the image is directly from the skaters/ my friends that I’ve been photographing, during this stressful time of covid and the last lockdown.
I felt like a I needed a sequence layout of two different skate ‘tricks’.
For this layout I felt like I wanted to add this in as its the opposite to one of the other layout options and the two would alternate and add some structure to the photobook.
Final Sequencing Of Photobook!

Field editing Process

First i uploaded the album of all the videos from this shoot into the side bar as there were all large 4k files

Once all the videos were imported, i had a lot of footage and checked over which i wanted to include. With one clip it was very shaky so i applied a warp stabilizer affect and rendered the video, making it much smoother, and cut it to a shorter length.

Next i cut all the clips simply together, mixing between ‘drone’ and skating footage, and adjusted all the audio to have some of the natural sounds, but more mellow as there’s also going to be an overlay of building music in the background

I then imported the audio, which runs through all the field clips, and altered the volume, which will fade in and out from the before and after clips.

Lastly used cross dissolve on two clips to create a fading transition from ‘live’ filming to it appearing on a screen, and ran the live audio through