Beyond Here Is Nothing

I think this story is showing her emotions through the artists eyes, It shows how her surroundings and loneliness have impacted her. It looks at genres such as expressionism and abstract through close ups and nature.
Laura El-Tantawy
“Beyond Here Is Nothing is a photo-book object meditating on home. A place of belonging,”
Laura El-Tantawy is an Egyptian photojournalist who lives in London, England. “She was born in Worcestershire, England, in 1980 and grew up between Saudi Arabia and Cairo, Egypt. Given her multicultural background, she has found solace in photography not just as an artistic form of expression, but also as an inner voice to reflect upon her own identity and how it relates to the world around her. She mostly works on self-initiated projects.”
“She lives between the U.K., her country of birth, and Egypt, with which she associates most of her childhood memories.”
She created this photo book in order to express her profound feelings and emotions, as a source of relief from loneliness
Book in hand

- The book smells fresh cardboard
- The outside is cardboard and the inside is printed on paper
- The book consists of 3 portrait photo books that you can flip in different directions. They are all A5 in size.
- It uses all coloured ink of the same paper texture.
- The title is poetic and relevant as it gives the audience an idea of what is ahead.
- The story is told by a sequence of imaged followed by a page with one word to help separate the book into sections such as “Trapped” and “Tomorrow”
- The images when flipped correctly create a bigger image and idea of each set allowing the compliment each other.
- The cover is a hard cover made of card with printed images on each side of the cover.
- The binding is hard cover similar to this image below.