1. Research a photo-book and describe the story it is communicating with reference to subject-matter, genre and approach to image-making.
Matthew jean has taken a series of photographs of his mother doing her daily activities/tasks. this includes images of her cleaning, smoking and relaxing. Jean, to document her everyday life through a series of portraits taken in her home in Leeds. This book is a non fiction book as its about Matthew Finns childhood.
2. Who is the photographer? Why did he/she make it? (intentions/ reasons) Who is it for? (audience) How was it received? (any press, reviews, awards, legacy etc.)
Matthew Jean
“For over thirty years, I took photographs of my mum. I don’t remember the circumstances in which most of them were taken, although they were all in her home in Leeds. I never set out to create an archive of carefully ordered material. It began from a need to create stability and, over the years, it became a ritual that I could not abandon.
My father never lived with us and many times he would make promises that he never kept. My mother would wait to be picked up for a night out with him. I can remember her standing there dressed in her fawn, mohair coat, and he wouldn’t turn up. Eventually, she would retreat upstairs to take off her make up and going-out clothes and then return to the TV. This seemed to happen a lot”
3. Deconstruct the narrative, concept and design of the book and apply theory above when considering:
- the photo book has a smooth texture to it
- the same paper is used throughout the whole book in black and white . (mono chrome)
- the book is in A4 with a mixture of portraits and landscapes throughout
For over thirty years, I took photographs of my mum. I don’t remember the circumstances in which most of them were taken, although they were all in her home in Leeds. I never set out to create an archive of carefully ordered material. It began from a need to create stability and, over the years, it became a ritual that I could not abandon.
My father never lived with us and many times he would make promises that he never kept. My mother would wait to be picked up for a night out with him. I can remember her standing there dressed in her fawn, mohair coat, and he wouldn’t turn up. Eventually, she would retreat upstairs to take off her make up and going-out clothes and then return to the TV. This seemed to happen a lot.
- the story is told with photographs and text telling the audience the meaning behind the book
- the photo book consists single and double page spread photographs.
- the photographs are all edited in black and white making the final outcome dark which suggests that the mood the photographer is trying to show is upsetting and negative
- all the photographs are linked to the writing as it helps us as the viewers understand the story behind it