Tommy Ingberg and KEVIN CORRADO

Tommy Inberg

Tommy Ingberg is a self-taught photographer and visual artist, born 1980 in Sweden. He works with photography and digital image editing, creating minimalistic and self-reflecting surreal photo montages dealing with human nature, feelings and thoughts.

Tommy leaves the interpretation of his work up to the viewer but says, “For me, surrealism is about trying to explain something abstract like a feeling or a thought, expressing the subconscious with a picture. The Reality Rearranged series is my first try at describing reality trough surrealism. During the two and a half years I have worked on the series I have used my own inner life, thoughts and feelings as seeds to my pictures. In that sense the work is very personal, almost like a visual diary. Despite this subjectiveness in the process I hope that the work can engage the viewer in her or his own terms. I want the viewers to produce their own questions and answers when looking at the pictures, my own interpretations are really irrelevant in this context.”

Kevin Corrado

Kevin Corrado’s photography walks the line between lyricism and surrealism, never straying too far from either. He usually uses himself as the subject in his figurative works. His compositions are simple and elegant and the imagery could best be described as quiet and peaceful; at times seeming to transcend the boundaries of the image. Hid most known works consists of woodland photoshoots where humans appear from mysterious picture frames as if they were coming from another world. His work clearly revolves around the idea of dreams and how the world works. He has made this illusion buy using photoshop or another editing software where he has removed the rest of the persons body and made it look as if the person is floating .