updated statement of intent

as my project has evolved, I have developed a different perspective of ‘love and rebellion’. during my isolation period, due to being tested positive for COVID-19, I have had a lot of time to think, pondering lots of thoughts that are normally pushed aside as I am always busy being a student, an equestrian and stable worker. I have realised how much my horses mean to me, after being forced to stay away from them for 17 days. the joy they bring to me is unique. I have taken many images during isolation, of my sister getting ready and have watched her explore herself freely, by putting on makeup. I have come to the realisation that she like me is some what an athlete, she dedicates her life to gymnastics, similar to how I dedicate mine to horse riding. while watching her explore her femininity I thought how the media expects us to be, how they expect us to act and how they expect us to look. however i don’t want my project to just focus on how society expects females to look because that would limit my creativity and my intent that I have set out for this work to display. also i don’t want my work to just focus on females, as males feel the same things as us women, so this project can hopefully just be universal. so after lots of thought I am going to portray my life within my photobook and film, as it comes, what goes on, my thoughts, my feelings, the things i love, the things that i rebel, the things i do. essentially I am just going to document. my essay is essentially going help me explain it all, with the help of some influential photographers. my film is going to use my essay to add depth to the audio.

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