During the Love and Rebellion theme , I have covered many different styles of art and photography, using new and challenging software. Some of the major projects have been our photo-zines and short films, which I decided, would both be about the main theme of love. The next module of work will be my personal investigation. The idea of the personal investgation is to critically question and challenge a particular style or area of work by artists and photographers which will help me develop my own ideas as a photography student. 

My Personal Study is a written and illustrated project. During the course of the next year I have the choice to make I will be creating a lens-based body of work (either stills photography or moving image), so either a short film (3-5mins) or a photo book in response to the theme “LOVE & REBELLION”. I have decided I would like to explore creating a phonebook. For my book I will use the online software Blurb or by hand using traditional book binding techniques. As an additional piece to the project I will also include a written essay (2000 words).

My intention in to continue with my theme of identity that Ive executed in my short film, but exploring ideas of teen culture as shown in the examples below by Theo Gosselin and Corinne Day. My main idea is to continue with dirty realism and take a look at how I can create my own, personal photo diary, including the mundane and ‘real’ parts of my life as a teen, like the people I love, things I love doing, relationships and more.

Corinne Day is an amazing photographer who focused on creating a diary of her teenage and young adulthood. She documented her life with her friends and what it was like to be her age at that moment isn time. The book explores gender, intimacy, drugs as well as everyday life out and about. I would like to include images like hers in my project that display the people close to me, the people I love, and some go the things we love to do as teenagers.

In his book, Gosselin presents a glimpse of a life beyond boundaries of geographical and social conventions, and documents his most recent road trips across the US, Spain, Scotland and native France.

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