Story Board

As I’ve mentioned before, I want my film to have soft, calm visuals with the lighting reflecting the mood of the movie. It will be in black and white and many short clips within it, mainly of myself representing the concept, landscapes and soft visuals. I will be filming the video, therefore I will need to think specifically and carefully about the angles and where I will place the camera. I will also need to think about any props and what the background will look like in each frame/where the shooting will take place. To remind, my concept for this video is Body Shaming and people having a false representation of women’s bodies, this therefore having a negative effect on young girls, teenagers and women.

Voice Over Plan:

I’ve decided that for my sound I will use a voice over of me essentially speaking out loud my stream of consciousness and how I feel and what has caused me to feel like this. Also in the background there will be classical music just to add that somber feeling to the film. I’ll have to plan it out and do a few drafts before I record the voiceover on my iphone.

This is a piece that I wrote in about 10 minutes that represents feelings about myself and why I feel this way:

I dislike my body, because of what you’ve said to me. I never took notice, until you did. My brain is ignored and my personality is discarded. My image is all that matters to you. No one cares if i’m funny, or smart, or sweet. They care only what I look like. I’m simply just a shell to you. An object. For your own pleasure. But what do I get from this? Never feeling good enough. And always trying to change. Do I look too thin? Do I look too fat? Will they approve of this? Will they like me in this? I’m sick of counting calories, and pushing myself to exhaustion. I want to love my body, but no one will let me. My body is my temple, and it keeps me alive, I know it’s not perfect, but it’s about the inside.

Story Board:

So, within my story there will be a number of frames. There isn’t really a set structure to my movie that normally films do have like a beginning middle or end. The first frame of my story board is a close up image of my body, I will be accentuating different parts such as my ribs; sucking my stomach in and out to create a morphed image of my body. This frame may be repeated a few times with different areas of my body.

The second frame will be me looking in the mirror, without my camera equipment in view so it looks real life. I may be doing numerous things in this shot such as brushing my hair, sorting out my clothes, staring and picking at my body etc. Again, there may be multiple scenes of this within my film.

The third frame is again more parts of my body, this time it’ll be things like my legs and my arms. The shot will be very close up from a head on angle so that it is clear to the viewers what they are really looking at.

The fourth frame will be a shot of me in the shower. Showering and washing yourself is quite a private, vulnerable experience where you are able to see all parts of your body which is why I think it’ll be a good shot to get for my body shaming movie.

The fifth frame will be a bowl of food, or any food really. Within my voice over I mention that I am sick of counting calories, so, this frame will match up to that piece of voice recording and also introduce the idea that eating and what you eat also comes into body image.

The sixth frame will involve me lying on the bed as f I’m exhausted, worn out and generally down. This again will match up with my voice over when I mention the fact that I am exhausted and that I just want to love my body. I won’t be just lying there I may roll over and cover my face with my duvet as if I’m really upset and wanting to get away from it all.

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