Film Manifesto


Tom Peat, Micah De Gruchy, Olly Flavell


We rolled three dice to get three words which we will include in a manifesto’s to inspire a film we will produce, film and edit. The words we got from the dice were ‘Irrational’, ‘Spontaneity’ and ‘Collaboration’. We have the idea to compare the collaboration and coming together of community from WW2 and the 2020 pandemic as well as show the irrational aspects of the pandemic such as not wearing a mask, thinking it’s a hoax and various conflicts against the government including riots. Covid-19 was spontaneous in the sense that it suddenly came in and affected everyone’s lives.


We will include archival footage from the war on the frontline and the home front as modern day news footage from the start to beginning of the pandemic including Boris Johnson. we will collect close up footage of people wearing mask and try to show damages to peoples lives and the new spontaneous precautions.


We will have audio recordings of Churchills speech “we shall fight on the beaches” with sounds of guns and manufacturing and compare to to modern day with a lack of sound as it is an invisible war. We will include the speech where borris says we go into lockdown and compare it. we will show before and afters such as football stadiums showing it packed and now empty.

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