researching photo-zines

what is a photo-zine?

dictionary definition : “self-published, often handmade collection of photographs laid out in a magazine style.”

I want my photo-zine to have warm mood, so I am going to edit my images to have a high temperature. I want to do this because this type of love story I am narrating is warm and familiar.

in my photo-zine I am going tell a narrative of a love story, however this story doesn’t contain 2 people loving each romantically, but a dad, a daughter and a horse sharing the love of living a life in nature and the peace it holds.

I want the layouts to flow with the narrative and be easy on the eye. For some of the layouts I want to have grid effect, to display many images that relate to each other. On other pages I want full bleed images, this layout will be used for photographs that have a lot of importance relating to the narrative.

On certain pages, when a piece of text is necessary I will add one, it will mostly be found quotes or short pieces of text needed to elaborate on my narrative.

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