The definition of Identity Politics

The term Identity Politics is described to be political approach that people who fit into the category of race, class, religion or social background, in which they would take a particular approach develop political agendas and organise based upon the interlocking systems of oppression that affect their lives and come from their various identities.

The definition of Culture Wars

A lifestyle warfare is a cultural combat between social agencies and the warfare for dominance of their values, beliefs, and practices. It often refers to matters on which there is normal societal disagreement and polarization in societal values is seen. The time period is normally used to describe current politics in the United States, with troubles such as abortion, homosexuality, transgender rights, pornography, multiculturalism, racial viewpoints and different cultural conflicts based totally on values, morality, and life-style which are described as the most important political points.


People’s identities have always been important but in today’s society, the freedom to be yourself is now more important than ever. The LGBTQ community have greatly suffered the. it comes to expressing themselves and being who they want to be without anyone being around to criticise them or judge them. Many people are blind to the fact that homophobia is still around and think that celebrations such as pride is a pointless march which just belittles heterosexual people. Of course this completely untrue; pride is a celebration of rights and freedom to be yourself and no harm is meant to come from it whatsoever. On the other hand, there are people who are more extreme with their views and are completely against the LGBTQ community, a lot of people call these kinds of people “old fashioned”. Old fashioned people believe that straight is the only way to go and nothing else is acceptable. A lot of the time this can be due to their religion or their own upbringing.

Thankfully a lot of people today are very accepting and supportive of people in the LGBTQ community which has allowed more people to show who they truly are and being less afraid to do so. Being allowed to show off to the rest of the world through pride rather than hiding from everyone is way or liberating everyone around you. The freedom of expression is what makes a lot of us human and unique from each other. The pride that everyone has within themselves helps people to become successful and happy with their lives which is why our identities have a huge roll in our daily lives.