Photozine evaluation

I am thoroughly satisfied with the contrast between urban and natural landscapes. I’m happy with the connotations surrounding each landscape. Dedicating the natural landscapes to one subject and the urban landscapes to the other shows the contrast between both of my subject’s personalities: the first subject can be viewed as free-spirited and whimsical by the audience due to the sublime nature of natural landscapes and the the second subject comes across as more calm and self-contained as urban landscapes often connote feelings of security and sense of community.

A major issue with my photo-book is that I used two subjects instead of the three I had planned. Only using two subject implies a link between the two, having three subjects would have clearly shown the pattern within the zine in regard to the placement of the images. This proved to destroy the narrative I aimed to create. Additionally, a lack of a clear colour scheme throughout proved to hinder the effectiveness of my zine. Mixing black and white images with coloured images ended up fracturing the narrative of the book. However, the idea behind my photo-zine allowed for the exhibition of still life, portraits as well as landscape photography. This gave me the opportunity to showcase different skills and photograph at different times of day, in different lighting etc.

Another successful aspect of my photo-zine the clear division between my two subjects through the use of the middle page. I decided I wanted the psychological sheets to be present here to keep the first half of the book completely separate from the second half of the book.

Something I aim to consider for the next project is how the final result will appear to someone who has never seen the work before and has no knowledge of the context and ideas behind it. If I was to do this photo-book again I would incorporate the idea of closeness more thoroughly. For example, I may create a link between the two subjects within my book, such as meeting at a workplace/party/public place etc. to link the idea that proximity and frequent encounters are major influences on whether two people build a relationship. This may have worked better than attempting to show the significance of these individuals to me. Additionally, I could have considered taking self portraits and including myself in the narrative.

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