identity politics & CULTURE Wars

Identity politics focuses on aspects such as race, gender, sexuality class and more; where these topics are discussed.

Culture Wars: This is a cultural conflict where opposing parties e.g race fight for dominance in their views and beliefs. It targets topics such as Abortion, transgender rights, homosexuality, pornography etc

An example of cultural wars that links to identity politics is the idea of Christian identity. This is were extremists and white supremacists believe they are the superior race and that only their specific kind have value. (this does not apply to all christians but rather a small majority that are extremists)

  • ” all non-whites (people not of wholly European descent) will either be exterminated or enslaved in order to serve the white race in the new Heavenly Kingdom on Earth ”
  • “Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples (whites) are God’s real “chosen people,” and descend in an unbroken line from Adam and Eve. They are by nature a superior race.”
Holy Hate: The Far Right's Radicalization of Religion | Southern Poverty  Law Center

Another example is the debate of Abortion. People are either Pro-Life (belief that the fetus has rights over child bearer) or Pro-choice (The child bearer should decide what to do with the baby)

VSCO - #prochoice I'm not used to 200+ notes help | annalindqren | Pro  choice, Pro choice quotes, Pro choice argument

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