I imported all my images I took into lightroom. I added a new collection called, ‘A Love Story’, which is where I placed all the images I took in. I started to select certain images for my editing process. I did this first by using the system of P&X, by pressing P it meant that these images had a white flag attached to them and pressing X meant that these images had a black flag attached to them and were faded over. I then looked at the images in more detail and used the star rating on the white flag images. 5 stars was to indicate images that I really liked, 4 stars indicated images that i may use in the future and 3 stars indicated images that will probably not be used. After this I then used the traffic light system to allocated images that will be edited. Red stating no, orange stating maybe and green stating definitely. During this process I used different viewing styles, compare view, survey view and single view. I also used the magnifying glass tool to check that the images were in focus.

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